Achieving multi-level, integrated governance of coastal ecosystems in Kenya

Authors Nunan, F.; Kairu, A.; Kairo, J.; Wanjiru, C.
Year of Publication 2016
Type of Publication Policy and Practice Brief


Integration and coordination of objectives, policies and management approaches is widely seen as essential for the effective governance of coastal zones. Yet, developing an integrated and coordinated approach within government and with other actors, working at multiple levels and locations, is extremely challenging. The breadth of sectors, policies, actors, management approaches and levels may not always be appreciated or taken into account.

Viewing governance in terms of ‘multi-level governance’ would encourage greater attention to the many administrative levels, government sectors and non-governmental actors involved, and interactions between them.

Understanding of multi-level governance requires analysis in three areas: the multiplicities of levels, actors, policies and rules; the existence of, and opportunities and challenges for, vertical and horizontal interaction; assessment of governance through the application of governance principles.

Greater coordination of governance could be sought through Integrated Coastal Zone Management, County Environment Committees and the National Mangrove Management Action Plan.

This research brief was co-produced by the 'CESEA - Coastal Ecosystem Services in East Africa' project, and the 'Analysing the multi-level governance of renewable natural resources' project.