The ESPA Logical Framework is a monitoring tool used to measure the progress of ESPA-funded research, using key statistics derived from standard project reporting, and some additional information gathered by the Directorate.The ESPA programme is assessed against this Logical Framework (logframe) annually.
The full 2017 report is available to download as a PDF.
The ESPA programme has performed well against the indicators in the Logical Framework.
The ESPA programme has continued to perform well in relation to its two Outcome indicators, designed to gauge the extent to which the programme has been able to ‘to positively influence end users and decision makers through the generation of cutting edge evidence on ecosystem services, their value, and links to sustainable development.’ The programme recorded 36 examples of ESPA research outputs being reflected in national, regional or international development policies and practice (against a target of 20), and captured £54.6 million of development spend being informed by ESPA science (against a target of £40 million).
The ESPA programme is continuing to excel in delivering high quality, interdisciplinary scientific research (Output 1). This year the programme has recorded a cumulative total of 292 journal articles, of which 87% were published in ISI journals. Citations for ESPA publications increased from 3,135 to 5,611 over the last year, with the academic papers produced by ESPA academics appearing to be highly topical and more highly cited than would normally be expected for similar research.;
Although the ESPA programme is achieving good rates of open access publication of around 60%, it has failed to meet its aspiration of providing a fully open access knowledge and evidence base. However 2016-17 saw a significant expansion of the scientific narrative and synthesis emerging from the programme which is being curated by the ESPA Director to provide key content for a number of (open access) legacy outputs for the programme. The ESPA programme also continues to perform well in facilitating the demand and uptake of ecosystem services for poverty alleviation research (Output 2). The programme recorded 124 examples of ESPA researchers contributing to national, regional or international policy processes, exceeding its 2017 target of 110. The most notable example of this is the ESPA Deltas team who have been working closely with the Bangladeshi Planning Commission to model the potential impact of two interventions specified in their 2100 Delta Plan.
In relation to Output 3 - how well developing country researchers are empowered and contribute to putting research into use to link ecosystem services and poverty alleviation - the programme is performing a little below its target. The percentage of academic papers attributed to ESPA with developing country authorship was 59% against a target of 65%, and the percentage of publications with a developing country lead author was 25% in line with the target. The ESPA programme will be reflecting critically on issues related to North-South partnership and developing country researcher capacity & involvement as part of the ongoing programmatic learning process so that lessons may be learned for similar programmes in the future.
The Directorate thanks all of the projects for their hard work, exceptional performance and their contribution to ensuring the ESPA programme achieves its goals.
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