ESPA Publications

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Morrison, E.. H. J., C.. Upton, K.. Odhiambo-K'oyooh, and D.. M. Harper, Managing the natural capital of papyrus within riparian zones of Lake Victoria, Kenya, Hydrobiologia, vol. 692, issue 1: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 5-17, 2011.
Willcock, S.., S.. Hossain, and G.. M. Poppy, Managing complex systems to enhance sustainability, : Oxford University Press, 2016.
Cruz-Garcia, G. S., Management and motivations to manage “wild” food plants. A case study in a mestizo village in the Amazon deforestation frontier, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 5, issue 127, 2017.
Marshall, F., and J. Dolley, Making the most of peri-urban ecosystem services, , 2018.
Nhantumbo, I., and P. Zorilla Miras, Making the links between woodlands and wellbeing: a multi-stakeholder approach, , London, International Institute for Environment and Development, 05/2015.
Szabo, S., R. J. Nicholls, B. Neumann, F. G. Renaud, Z. Matthews, Z. Sebesvari, A. AghaKouchak, R. Bales, C. Warren Ruktanonchai, J. Kloos, et al., Making SDGs work for climate change hotspots, Environment, vol. 58, issue 1725: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 24-33, 2016.
Rideout, A. J. R., N. P. Joshi, K. M. Viergever, M. Huxham, and R. A. Briers, Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya, Global Change Biology: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
Chilimba, A. D. C., S. D. Young, C. R. Black, K. B. Rogerson, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, J. Lammel, and M. R. Broadley, Maize grain and soil surveys reveal suboptimal dietary selenium intake is widespread in Malawi, Scientific Reports, issue 1: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 72, 2011.
Diz, D., D. Johnson, M. Riddell, S. Rees, J. Battle, K. Gjerde, S. Hennige, and M. J. Roberts, Mainstreaming marine biodiversity into the SDGs: the role of other effective area-based conservation measures (SDG 14.5), Marine Policy, 2017.
