ESPA Publications

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Lang, DJ., A. Wiek, M. Bergmann, M. Stauffacher, P. Martens, P. Moll, M. Swilling, and CJ. Thomas, Transdisciplinary research in sustainability science: practice, principles, and challenges, Sustainability Science, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 25-43, 2012.
Lang, DJ., A. Wiek, M. Bergmann, M. Stauffacher, P. Martens, P. Moll, M. Swilling, and CJ. Thomas, Transdisciplinary research in sustainability science: practice, principles, and challenges, Sustainability Science, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 25-43, 2012.
Beven, K., W. Buytaert, and L. A. Smith, On virtual observatories and modelled realities (or why discharge must be treated as a virtual variable), Hydrological Processes, vol. 26, issue 12: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1905-1908, 2012.
Ogutu, J. O., N. Owen-Smith, H-P. Piepho, M. Y. Said, S. C. Kifugo, R. S. Reid, H. Gichohi, P. Kahumbu, and S. Andanje, Changing wildlife populations in Nairobi National Park and adjoining Athi-Kaputiei Plains: collapse of the migratory wildebeest, The Open Conservation Biology Journal, vol. 7, pp. 11-26, 2013.
Peel, A. J., D. R. Sargan, K. S. Baker, D. T. S. Hayman, J. A. Barr, G. Crameri, R. Suu-Ire, C. C. Broder, T. Lembo, L-F. Wang, et al., Continent-wide panmixia of an African fruit bat facilitates transmission of potentially zoonotic viruses, Nature Communications, vol. 4, 2013.
Peel, A. J., D. R. Sargan, K. S. Baker, D. T. S. Hayman, J. A. Barr, G. Crameri, R. Suu-Ire, C. C. Broder, T. Lembo, L-F. Wang, et al., Continent-wide panmixia of an African fruit bat facilitates transmission of potentially zoonotic viruses, Nature Communications, vol. 4, 2013.
Lele, S., O. Springate-Baginski, R. Lakerveld, D. Deb, and P. Dash, Ecosystem services: origins, contributions, pitfalls and alternatives, Conservation & Society, vol. 11, pp. 343-358, 2013.
Meir, P.., P.. Brando, D.. Nepstad, S.. Vasconcelos, A.. C. L. Costa, E.. Davidson, S.. Almeida, R.. A. Fisher, E.. D. Sotta, D.. Zarin, et al., The effects of drought on Amazonian rain forests, : American Geophysical Union, 2013.
Howe, C., H. Suich, P. van Gardingen, A. Rahman, and G. M. Mace, Elucidating the pathways between climate change, ecosystem services and poverty alleviation, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability: Elsevier, 2013.
Siyame, E. W. P., R. Hurst, A. A. Wawer, S. D. Young, M. R. Broadley, A. D. C. Chilimba, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., A high prevalence of zinc- but not iron-deficiency among women in rural Malawi: a cross-sectional study, International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, vol. 83, issue 3, pp. 176-187, 2013.
Sikor, T., Introduction: Linking ecosystem services with environmental justice, : Earthscan, 2013.
Sikor, T., J. Fisher, A. Martin, and R. Few, The justices and injustices of ecosystem services, : Earthscan, 2013.
Muradian, R.., M.. Arsel, L.. Pellegrini, F.. Adaman, B.. Aguilar, B.. Agarwal, E.. Corbera, E. D. de Blas, J.. Farley, G.. Froger, et al., Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, Conservation Letters: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.
Bagstad, K., G. Johnson, D. Semmens, and F. Villa, Quantifying and valuing ecosystem services: an application of ARIES to the San Pedro River basin, USA, : Edwar Elgar, 2013.
Sikor, T., REDD+: Justice effects of technical design, : Earthscan, 2013.
Sjögersten, S.., Responses to climate change and farming policies by rural communities in northern China: A report on field observation and farmers’ perception in dryland north Shaanxi and Ningxia, Land use policy, vol. 32: Science Direct, 2013.
Budds, J., Servicios ambientales y justicia hidrica, : Abya-Yala, Justicia Hídrica, IEP Instituto de Estudios Peruanos, 2013.
Scoones, I., The social and political lives of zoonotic disease models: narratives, science and policy, Social Science & Medicine, vol. 88: Elsevier, 2013.
Hurst, R., E. W. P. Siyame, S. D. Young, A. D. C. Chilimba, E. J. M. Joy, C. R. Black, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi, Scientific Reports: Nature Publishing Group, 2013.
Hurst, R., E. W. P. Siyame, S. D. Young, A. D. C. Chilimba, E. J. M. Joy, C. R. Black, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi, Scientific Reports: Nature Publishing Group, 2013.
Roe, D., C. Sandbrook, M. Fancourt, B. Schulte, R. Munroe, and M. Sibanda, A systematic map protocol: which components or attributes of biodiversity affect which dimensions of poverty?, Environmental Evidence, vol. 2, issue 1: BioMed Central, pp. 8, 2013.
Roe, D., C. Sandbrook, M. Fancourt, B. Schulte, R. Munroe, and M. Sibanda, A systematic map protocol: which components or attributes of biodiversity affect which dimensions of poverty?, Environmental Evidence, vol. 2, issue 1: BioMed Central, pp. 8, 2013.
Roe, D., C. Sandbrook, M. Fancourt, B. Schulte, R. Munroe, and M. Sibanda, A systematic map protocol: which components or attributes of biodiversity affect which dimensions of poverty?, Environmental Evidence, vol. 2, issue 1: BioMed Central, pp. 8, 2013.
Nicholls, R.J.., C.W.. Hutton, A.N.. Lazar, M.M.. Rahman, M.. Salehin, and T.. Ghosh, Understanding climate change livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh, Hydrolink, vol. 2, pp. 40-42, 2013.
Osano, P. M., M. Y. Said, J. de Leeuw, N. Ndiwa, D. Kaelo, S. Schomers, R. Birner, and J. O. Ogutu, Why keep lions instead of livestock? Assessing wildlife tourism-based payment for ecosystem services involving herders in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, Natural Resources Forum, vol. 37, issue 4: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 242-256, 2013.
