ESPA Publications

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Buytaert, W., S. Baez, M. Bustamante, and A. Dewulf, Web-based environmental simulation: bridging the gap between scientific modeling and decision-making, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, issue 4: American Chemical Society, pp. 1971-1976, 2012.
Buytaert, W.., A.. Mishra, S.. Demuth, J. B. Cisneros, B.. Stewart, and C.. Caponi, Adapting to climate variability and change, : UNESCO, 2015.
Buytaert, W.., and B.. De Bièvre, Water for cities: The impact of climate change and demographic growth in the tropical Andes, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, issue 8: American Geophysical Union (AGU), pp. n/a-n/a, 2012.
Byg, A., P. Novo, M. Dinato, A. Moges, T. Tefera, B. Balana, T. Woldeamanuel, and H. Black, Trees, soils, and warthogs – Distribution of services and disservices from reforestation areas in southern Ethiopia, Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 84, pp. 112-119, 11/2017.
