ESPA Publications
Local rights to landscape in the global moral economy of carbon,
Landscape Research, vol. 36, issue 4, pp. 455-470, 2011.
Ownership claims, valuation practices, and the unpacking of energy-landscape conflicts,
International Review of Sociology, vol. 22, pp. 429-445, 2012.
Soap security: African home economics after the biofuel hype,
The Solutions Journal, vol. 3, issue 6: Solutions Journal, 2013.
The hedgification of maizescapes? Scalability and multifunctionality of Jatropha curcas hedges in a mixed farming landscape in Zambia,
Ecology and Society, vol. 19, issue 2, 2014.
What does policy-relevant global environmental knowledge do? The cases of climate and biodiversity,
Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 18, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, pp. 65-72, 2016.
Deforestation since independence: a quantitative assessment of four decades of land-cover change in Malawi,
Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, vol. 79, pp. 269-275, 2016.
REDD and PINC: A new policy framework to fund tropical forests as global 'eco-utilities',
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 8: Institute of Physics: Open Access Journals, pp. 012005, 2009.
Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+): transaction costs of six Peruvian projects,
Ecology and Society, vol. 18, 2013.
Coping with the wicked problem of climate adaptation across scales: The five R governance capabilities,
Landscape And Urban Planning, vol. 154, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 11-19, 2016.
Measuring multidimensional rural poverty using combination of methods - a case study from Southern Ethiopia,
Journal of Poverty, Investment and Development, vol. 29, 01/2016.
Modeling smallholder farmers' preferences for soil management measures: A case study from South Ethiopia,
Ecological Economics, vol. 145, pp. 410-419, 03/2018.
Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change,
Nature Climate Change, vol. 1, pp. 23-26, 2015.
Making SDGs work for climate change hotspots,
Environment, vol. 58, issue 1725: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 24-33, 2016.
Inequalities in human well-being in the urban Ganges Brahmaputra Meghna delta,
Sustainability, vol. 8, issue 7: MDPI AG, 2016.
Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh,
Sustainability Science, pp. 1-11, 2015.
Home is where the money goes: migration-related urban-rural integration in delta regions,
Migration And Development, vol. 7, pp. 163-179, 2018.
Population dynamics, delta vulnerability and environmental change: comparison of the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions,
Sustainability Science, vol. 11, issue 4: SPRINGER JAPAN KK, pp. 539-554, 2016.
Lagos bat virus infection dynamics in free-ranging straw-colored fruit bats (eidolon helvum),
Tropical Medicine And Infectious Disease, 2017.
Ecosystem Services and Poverty Alleviation: A review of the empirical links,
Ecosystem Services, vol. 12, pp. 137-147, 2015.
Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands,
Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 19-20: Elsevier, pp. 121-135, 2012.
Proceedings of the 2012 workshop on complex systems modelling and simulation,
: Luniver Press 2012, 2012.
Biodiversity and human health hubris, humility and the unknown,
Environmental Research Letters: Institute of Physics, 2012.
Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet,
Science, vol. 347, pp. 736, 2015.
Could the Madagascar bloom be fertilized by Madagascan iron?,
Journal Of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2015.