ESPA Publications
People, patches, and parasites: the case of Trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe.,
Human Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 643-654, 2017.
People, patches, and parasites: the case of Trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe.,
Human Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 643-654, 2017.
Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, 2017.
Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, 2017.
Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, issue 9, 09/2017.
Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness,
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, issue 9, 09/2017.
Poorer without it? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing,
Sustainable Development, 08/2017.
Poorer without it? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing,
Sustainable Development, 08/2017.
Poorer without it? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing,
Sustainable Development, 08/2017.
Soviet legacy in the operation of pasture governance institutions in present-day Kyrgyz Republic,
Journal Of Alpine Research, vol. 105-1, 2017.
The sweet and the bitter: Intertwined positive and negative social impacts of a biodiversity offset,
Conservation & Society, vol. 15, issue 7: MEDKNOW PUBLICATIONS & MEDIA PVT LTD, pp. 1-13, 2017.
Understanding conservationists' perspectives on the new-conservation debate,
Conservation Biology, vol. 31, issue 7: WILEY, pp. 353-363, 2017.
Understanding land use, land cover and woodland-based ecosystem services change, Mabalane, Mozambique,
Energy and Environment Research, vol. 7, 2017.
Understanding land use, land cover and woodland-based ecosystem services change, Mabalane, Mozambique,
Energy and Environment Research, vol. 7, issue 1, 05/2017.
Understanding trade-offs in upscaling and integrating climate-smart agriculture and sustainable river basin management in Malawi,
Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 80, pp. 117-124, 2017.
Unravelling the association between the impact of natural hazards and household poverty: evidence from the Indian Sundarban delta,
Sustainability Science, vol. 12, issue 7: SPRINGER JAPAN KK, pp. 453-464, 2017.
User-driven design of decision support systems for polycentric environmental resources management,
Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 88, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, pp. 58-73, 2017.
Zoonotic diseases: who gets sick, and why? Explorations from Africa,
Critical Public Health, vol. 27, issue 1: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 97-110, 2017.
Are the major imperatives of food security missing in ecosystem services research?,
Ecosystem Services, vol. 19, pp. 19-31, 2016.
Blue carbon stock of the Bangladesh Sundarban mangroves: What could be the scenario after a century?,
Wetlands, vol. 36, issue 6: SPRINGER, pp. 1033-1045, 2016.
Characterizing the 2D shape complexity dynamics of the islands of Sundarbans, Bangladesh: a fractal dimension approach,
Environmental Earth Sciences, vol. 75, issue 20: SPRINGER, 2016.
Decentralizing governance of agropastoral systems in Kyrgyzstan: An assessment of recent pasture reforms,
Mountain Research And Development, vol. 36, issue 7: MOUNTAIN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, pp. 91-101, 2016.
Detecting climate adaptation with mobile network data in Bangladesh: anomalies in communication, mobility and consumption patterns during Cyclone Mahasen,
Climatic Change, vol. 138, pp. 505-519, 2016.