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Jack, B.K., and M.P. Recalde, Leadership and the voluntary provision of public goods: Field evidence from Bolivia, Journal Of Public Economics, pp. 80-93, 2014.
Januchowski-Hartley, F. A., N. A. J. Graham, S. K. Wilson, S. Jennings, and C. T. Perry, Drivers and predictions of coral reef carbonate budget trajectories, Proceedings Of The Royal Society B-biological Sciences, vol. 284, issue 7: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Jephcott, F. L., J. L. N. Wood, and A. A. Cunningham, Facility-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases; diagnostic practices in rural West African hospital settings: observations from Ghana, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, 2017.
Jin, L.., P.. G. Whitehead, S.. Sarkar, R.. Sinha, M.. N. Futter, D.. Butterfield, J.. Caesar, and J.. Crossman, Assessing the impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes on flow and phosphorus flux in the Ganga river system, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015.
John, F.A.V.. St., D.. Brockington, N.. Bunnefeld, R.. Duffy, K.. Homewood, J.P.G.. Jones, A.. Keane, E.J.. Milner-Gulland, A.. Nuno, and J.H.. Razafimanahaka, Research ethics: Assuring anonymity at the individual level may not be sufficient to protect research participants from harm, Biological Conservation, 2015.
Johnson, F. X., A. Nyambane, G. vonMaltitz, D. Luhanga, M. Jarzebski, B. Siddighi Balde, and A. Gasparatos, Impacts of biofuel production in southern Africa, , 2018.
F Johnson, A., C. Hutton, D. Hornby, A. Lazar, and A. Mukhopadyay, Is shrimp farming a successful adaptation to salinity intrusion? A geospatial associative analysis of poverty in the populous Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna delta of Bangladesh, Sustainability Science, vol. 11, pp. 423 - 439, 2016.
Jones, J. P. G., R. Mandimbiniaina, R. Kelly, P. Ranjatson, B. Rakotojoelina, K. Schreckenberg, and M. Poudyal, Human migration to the forest frontier: Implications for land use change and conservation management, , 2018.
Joy, E. J. M., S. D. Young, C. R. Black, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, and M. R. Broadley, Risk of dietary magnesium deficiency is low in most African countries based on food supply data, Plant and Soil: Springer Verlag (Germany), 2012.
Joy, E. J. M., L. E. Ander, S. D. Young, C. R. Black, M. J. Watts, A. D. C. Chilimba, B. Chilima, E. W. P. Siyame, A. A. Kalimbira, R. Hurst, et al., Dietary mineral supplies in Africa, Physiologia Plantarum, vol. 151, issue 3, pp. 208-229, 2014.