ESPA Publications

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Andriamananjara, A., J. Hewson, H. Razakamanarivo, R. Hary Andrisoa, N. Ranaivoson, N. Ramboatiana, M. Razafindrakoto, N. Ramifehiarivo, M-P. Razafimanantsoa, L. Rabeharisoa, et al., Land cover impacts on aboveground and soil carbon stocks in Malagasy rainforest, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, vol. 233, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 1-15, 2016.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Tanner, T., D. Lewis, D. Wrathall, R. Bronen, N. Cradock-Henry, S. Huq, C. Lawless, R. Nawrotzki, V. Prasad, M.A. Rahman, et al., Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change, Nature Climate Change, vol. 1, pp. 23-26, 2015.
Ayivor, J. S., F. Ohemeng, E. Tweneboah Lawson, L. Waldman, M. Leach, and Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, Living with bats: the case of Ve Golokuati Township in the Volta region of Ghana., Journal Of Environmental And Public Health, vol. 2017, pp. 5938934, 2017.
Leach, M., B. Bett, M.. Said, S. Bukachi, R. Sang, N. Anderson, N. Machila, J. Kuleszo, K. Schaten, V. Dzingirai, et al., Local disease - ecosystem - livelihood dynamics: reflections from comparative case studies in Africa, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, issue 1725: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Leach, M., B. Bett, M.. Said, S. Bukachi, R. Sang, N. Anderson, N. Machila, J. Kuleszo, K. Schaten, V. Dzingirai, et al., Local disease - ecosystem - livelihood dynamics: reflections from comparative case studies in Africa, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, issue 1725: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Chilimba, A. D. C., S. D. Young, C. R. Black, K. B. Rogerson, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, J. Lammel, and M. R. Broadley, Maize grain and soil surveys reveal suboptimal dietary selenium intake is widespread in Malawi, Scientific Reports, issue 1: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 72, 2011.
Szabo, S., R. J. Nicholls, B. Neumann, F. G. Renaud, Z. Matthews, Z. Sebesvari, A. AghaKouchak, R. Bales, C. Warren Ruktanonchai, J. Kloos, et al., Making SDGs work for climate change hotspots, Environment, vol. 58, issue 1725: ROUTLEDGE JOURNALS, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, pp. 24-33, 2016.
Ramifehiarivo, N., M. Brossard, C. Grinand, A. Andriamananjara, T. Razafimbelo, A. Rasolohery, H. Razafimahatratra, F. Seyler, N. Ranaivoson, M. Rabenarivo, et al., Mapping soil organic carbon on a national scale: Towards an improved and updated map of Madagascar, Geoderma Regional, 2016.
Ramifehiarivo, N., M. Brossard, C. Grinand, A. Andriamananjara, T. Razafimbelo, A. Rasolohery, H. Razafimahatratra, F. Seyler, N. Ranaivoson, M. Rabenarivo, et al., Mapping soil organic carbon on a national scale: Towards an improved and updated map of Madagascar, Geoderma Regional, 2016.
H., Z. Duran, H. Arguello A., and J. Tapasco, A methodological approach for the non-monetary valuation of ecosystem services in three communities of the Colombian Amazon, Agronomía Colombiana, vol. 34, pp. 109-120, 2016.
Adger, N., and H. Adams, Migration as an adaptation strategy to environmental change, : OECD Publishing, pp. 259, 2013.
Adger, N., and H. Adams, Migration as an adaptation strategy to environmental change, : OECD Publishing, pp. 259, 2013.
Matawa, F., A. Murwira, F. M. Zengeya, and P. M. Atkinson, Modelling the spatial-temporal distribution of tsetse (Glossina pallidipes) as a function of topography and vegetation greenness in the Zambezi Valley of Zimbabwe, Applied Geography, vol. 76, issue 12: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, pp. 198-206, 2016.
Brown, M., E. Black, D. Asfaw, and F. Otu-Larbi, Monitoring drought in Ghana using TAMSAT-ALERT: a new decision support system, Weather, 2017.
Grant, C., G. Lo Iacono, V. Dzingirai, B. Bett, T. R. A. Winnebah, and P. M. Atkinson, Moving interdisciplinary science forward: integrating participatory modelling with mathematical modelling of zoonotic disease in Africa, Infectious Diseases Of Poverty, vol. 5, issue 9, 2016.
Alderton, S., E. T. MacLeod, N. E. Anderson, K. Schaten, J. Kuleszo, M. Simuunza, S. C. Welburn, and P. M. Atkinson, A multi-host agent-based model for a zoonotic, vector-borne disease. A case study on trypanosomiasis in Eastern Province, Zambia, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 10, issue 12: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016.
Alderton, S., E. T. MacLeod, N. E. Anderson, K. Schaten, J. Kuleszo, M. Simuunza, S. C. Welburn, and P. M. Atkinson, A multi-host agent-based model for a zoonotic, vector-borne disease. A case study on trypanosomiasis in Eastern Province, Zambia, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 10, issue 12: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016.
Alderton, S., E. T. MacLeod, N. E. Anderson, K. Schaten, J. Kuleszo, M. Simuunza, S. C. Welburn, and P. M. Atkinson, A multi-host agent-based model for a zoonotic, vector-borne disease. A case study on trypanosomiasis in Eastern Province, Zambia, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 10, issue 12: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016.
Vira, B., B. Adams, C. Agarwal, S. Badiger, R.. A. Hope, J. Krishnaswamy, and C. Kumar, Negotiating trade-offs: choices about ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 47, issue 9, Mumbai, India, Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 67-75, 2012.
Vira, B., B. Adams, C. Agarwal, S. Badiger, R.. A. Hope, J. Krishnaswamy, and C. Kumar, Negotiating trade-offs: choices about ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 47, issue 9, Mumbai, India, Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 67-75, 2012.
Satyal, P., K. Shrestha, H. Ojha, B. Vira, and J. Adhikari, A new Himalayan crisis? Exploring transformative resilience pathways, Environmental Development, 2017.
