ESPA Publications
Projected increases in the annual flood pulse of the Western Amazon,
Environmental Research Letters, vol. 11, issue 1, 2016.
Spatial and temporal dynamics of multidimensional well-being, livelihoods and ecosystem services in coastal Bangladesh,
Scientific Data, vol. 3, issue 1: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2016.
Spatial distribution and trypanosome infection of tsetse flies in the sleeping sickness focus of Zimbabwe in Hurungwe District,
Parasites & Vectors, vol. 9, issue 3: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2016.
Strengthening mountain societies in Central Asia in a context of multidimensional change,
Mountain Research And Development, vol. 36, issue 7: MOUNTAIN RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT, pp. 380-383, 2016.
A systematic review of the reliability and validity of discrete choice experiments in valuing non-market environmental goods,
Journal of Environmental Management, vol. 183, pp. 98-109, 2016.
A unified framework for the infection dynamics of zoonotic spillover and spread,
Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 10, issue 9: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016.
A unified framework for the infection dynamics of zoonotic spillover and spread,
Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 10, issue 9: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2016.
Unpacking equity for protected area conservation,
PARKS, vol. 22, 2016.
Unveiling hidden migration and mobility patterns in climate stressed regions: A longitudinal study of six million anonymous mobile phone users in Bangladesh,
Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 38, pp. 1-7, 2016.
Using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) to model ecosystem services: A systematic review,
Journal Of Hydrology, vol. 535, issue 10, pp. 625-636, 2016.
What are the links between poverty and ecosystem services?,
, London, Routledge, 2016.
World's soils are under threat,
Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Adapting to climate variability and change,
: UNESCO, 2015.
Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social-ecological systems perspective,
Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, issue 4, pp. 144-149, 2015.
Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social-ecological systems perspective,
Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, issue 4, pp. 144-149, 2015.
Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change a model framework,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change a model framework,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change a model framework,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Assessing the impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes on flow and phosphorus flux in the Ganga river system,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015.
Assessing the impacts of climate change and socio-economic changes on flow and phosphorus flux in the Ganga river system,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015.
Could the Madagascar bloom be fertilized by Madagascan iron?,
Journal Of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 2015.
Disaggregated N2O emission factors in China based on cropping parameters create a robust approach to the IPCC Tier 2 methodology,
Atmospheric Environment, vol. 122, issue 1725: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, pp. 272-281, 2015.
Disaggregated N2O emission factors in China based on cropping parameters create a robust approach to the IPCC Tier 2 methodology,
Atmospheric Environment, vol. 122, issue 1725: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, pp. 272-281, 2015.
Do ecosystem service maps and models meet stakeholders' needs? A preliminary survey across sub-Saharan Africa,
Ecosystem Services, vol. 18, pp. 110-117, 2015.