ESPA Publications

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Dearing, J. A., R. Wang, K. Zhang, J. G. Dyke, H. Haberl, M.. Sarwar Hossain, P. G. Langdon, T. M. Lenton, K. Raworth, S. Brown, et al., Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 28, pp. 227-238, 2014.
Dennis, J. W., S. M. Durkin, J. E. Horsley-Downie, L. C. Hamill, N. E. Anderson, and E. T. MacLeod, Sodalis glossinidius prevalence and trypanosome presence in tsetse from Luambe National Park, Zambia, Parasites & Vectors, vol. 7, 2014.
Dennis, J. W., S. M. Durkin, J. E. Horsley-Downie, L. C. Hamill, N. E. Anderson, and E. T. MacLeod, Sodalis glossinidius prevalence and trypanosome presence in tsetse from Luambe National Park, Zambia, Parasites & Vectors, vol. 7, 2014.
Abunge, C., S. Coulthard, and T. M. Daw, Connecting marine ecosystem services to human well-being: insights from participatory well-being assessment in Kenya, Ambio, vol. 42, issue 8: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 1010-1021, 2013.
Dewulf, A., Contrasting frames in policy debates on climate change adaptation, Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews-climate Change, vol. 4, issue 7: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 321-330, 2013.
Lele, S., O. Springate-Baginski, R. Lakerveld, D. Deb, and P. Dash, Ecosystem services: origins, contributions, pitfalls and alternatives, Conservation & Society, vol. 11, pp. 343-358, 2013.
Lele, S., O. Springate-Baginski, R. Lakerveld, D. Deb, and P. Dash, Ecosystem services: origins, contributions, pitfalls and alternatives, Conservation & Society, vol. 11, pp. 343-358, 2013.
Meir, P.., P.. Brando, D.. Nepstad, S.. Vasconcelos, A.. C. L. Costa, E.. Davidson, S.. Almeida, R.. A. Fisher, E.. D. Sotta, D.. Zarin, et al., The effects of drought on Amazonian rain forests, : American Geophysical Union, 2013.
Muradian, R.., M.. Arsel, L.. Pellegrini, F.. Adaman, B.. Aguilar, B.. Agarwal, E.. Corbera, E. D. de Blas, J.. Farley, G.. Froger, et al., Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, Conservation Letters: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.
Funk, S., T. L. Bogich, K. E. Jones, M. A. Kilpatrick, and P. Daszak, Quantifying trends in disease impact to produce a consistent and reproducible definition of an emerging infectious disease, PLos One, vol. 8, issue 8, 2013.
Dearing, J. A., Why 'Future Earth' needs lake sediment studies, Journal of Paleolimnology, vol. 49, issue 3, pp. 537-545, 2013.
Osano, P. M., M. Y. Said, J. de Leeuw, N. Ndiwa, D. Kaelo, S. Schomers, R. Birner, and J. O. Ogutu, Why keep lions instead of livestock? Assessing wildlife tourism-based payment for ecosystem services involving herders in the Maasai Mara, Kenya, Natural Resources Forum, vol. 37, issue 4: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 242-256, 2013.
Dufour, A., Animal waste water quality and human health: WHO emerging issues in water & infectious disease series, : World Health Organization, 2012.
Cózar, A., M. Bruno, N. Bergamino, B. Ubeda, L. Bracchini, A. M. Dattilo, and S. A. Loiselle, Basin-scale control on the phytoplankton biomass in Lake Victoria, Africa, PLoS ONE, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 1-9, 01/2012.
Cardinale, B. J., E. J. Duffy, A. Gonzalez, D. U. Hooper, C. Perrings, P. Venail, A. Narwani, G. M. Mace, D. Tilman, D. A. Wardle, et al., Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity, Nature, vol. 486, issue 7401: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 59-67, 2012.
Cardinale, B. J., E. J. Duffy, A. Gonzalez, D. U. Hooper, C. Perrings, P. Venail, A. Narwani, G. M. Mace, D. Tilman, D. A. Wardle, et al., Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity, Nature, vol. 486, issue 7401: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 59-67, 2012.
Stringer, L.. C., A.. J. Dougill, A.. D. Thomas, D.. V. Spracklen, S.. Chesterman, I. C. Speranza, H.. Rueff, M.. Riddell, M.. Williams, T.. Beedy, et al., Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands, Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 19-20: Elsevier, pp. 121-135, 2012.
Dearing, J. A., X. Yang, X. Dong, E. Zhang, X. Chen, P. G. Langdon, K. Zhang, W. Zhang, and T. P. Dawson, Extending the timescale and range of ecosystem services through paleoenvironmental analyses: the example of the lower Yangtze basin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, issue 18: National Academy of Sciences, pp. E1111-E1120, 2012.
Dearing, J. A., X. Yang, X. Dong, E. Zhang, X. Chen, P. G. Langdon, K. Zhang, W. Zhang, and T. P. Dawson, Extending the timescale and range of ecosystem services through paleoenvironmental analyses: the example of the lower Yangtze basin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, issue 18: National Academy of Sciences, pp. E1111-E1120, 2012.
Dearing, J. A., X. Yang, X. Dong, E. Zhang, X. Chen, P. G. Langdon, K. Zhang, W. Zhang, and T. P. Dawson, Extending the timescale and range of ecosystem services through paleoenvironmental analyses: the example of the lower Yangtze basin, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 109, issue 18: National Academy of Sciences, pp. E1111-E1120, 2012.
Wang, R., J. A. Dearing, P. G. Langdon, E. Zhang, X. Yang, V. Dakos, and M. Scheffer, Flickering gives early warning signals of a critical transition to a eutrophic lake state, Nature, vol. 492, issue 7429, pp. 419-422, 2012.
Wang, R., J. A. Dearing, P. G. Langdon, E. Zhang, X. Yang, V. Dakos, and M. Scheffer, Flickering gives early warning signals of a critical transition to a eutrophic lake state, Nature, vol. 492, issue 7429, pp. 419-422, 2012.
Souty, F.., T.. Brunelle, P.. Dumas, B.. Dorin, P.. Ciais, R.. Crassous, C.. Müller, and A.. Bondeau, The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 571-638, 2012.
Souty, F.., T.. Brunelle, P.. Dumas, B.. Dorin, P.. Ciais, R.. Crassous, C.. Müller, and A.. Bondeau, The Nexus Land-Use model version 1.0, an approach articulating biophysical potentials and economic dynamics to model competition for land-use, Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, vol. 5, issue 1, pp. 571-638, 2012.
Buytaert, W.., and B.. De Bièvre, Water for cities: The impact of climate change and demographic growth in the tropical Andes, Water Resources Research, vol. 48, issue 8: American Geophysical Union (AGU), pp. n/a-n/a, 2012.
