ESPA Publications

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Hossain, M. Sarwar, L. Hein, F. I. Rip, and J. A. Dearing, Integrating ecosystem services and climate change responses in coastal wetlands development plans for Bangladesh, Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 20, issue 2, pp. 241-261, 2015.
Watts, M.. J., E.. J. M. Joy, S.. D. Young, M.. R. Broadley, A.. D. C. Chilimba, R.. S. Gibson, E.. W. P. Siyame, A.. A. Kalimbira, B.. Chilima, and E.. L. Ander, Iodine source apportionment in the Malawian diet, Scientific Reports, vol. 5: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2015.
Díaz, S., S. Demissew, J. Carabias, C. Joly, M. Lonsdale, N. Ash, A. Larigauderie, J. Ram Adhikari, S. Arico, A. Báldi, et al., The IPBES Conceptual Framework — connecting nature and people, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, pp. 1-16, 2015.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Wilkinson, A., Lassa fever and the politics of an emerging disease: The scope for One Health, ,, ESRC STEPS Centre, 2015.
Mehta, L., and T. Karpouzoglou, Limits of policy and planning in peri-urban waterscapes: The case of Ghaziabad, Delhi, India, Habitat International, vol. 48, issue 7: PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD, pp. 159-168, 2015.
Perry, C.T.., P.S.. Kench, M.J.. O’Leary, K.M.. Morgan, and F.. Januchowski-Hartley, Linking reef ecology to island building: Parrotfish identified as major producers of island-building sediment in the Maldives, Geology, vol. 43, issue 6, pp. 503-506, 2015.
Tanner, T., D. Lewis, D. Wrathall, R. Bronen, N. Cradock-Henry, S. Huq, C. Lawless, R. Nawrotzki, V. Prasad, M.A. Rahman, et al., Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change, Nature Climate Change, vol. 1, pp. 23-26, 2015.
Kent, R., and A. Dorward, Livelihood responses to Lantana camara invasion and biodiversity change in southern India: application of an asset function framework, Regional Environmental Change, vol. 15, issue 2, pp. 353-364, 2015.
Nhantumbo, I., and P. Zorilla Miras, Making the links between woodlands and wellbeing: a multi-stakeholder approach, , London, International Institute for Environment and Development, 05/2015.
Hamann, M., R. Biggs, and B. Reyers, Mapping social-ecological systems: Identifying 'green-loop' and 'red-loop' dynamics based on characteristic bundles of ecosystem service use, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 34, pp. 218-226, 2015.
Futter, M.N.., P.G.. Whitehead, S.. Sakar, H.. Rodda, and J.. Crossman, Modelling hydrology in Himalayan catchments using the PERSiST model, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. special issue in review, 2015.
Kay, S.., J.. Caesar, J.. Wolf, L.. Bricheno, R.. J. Nicholls, A.. K. M. Saif Islam, A.. Haque, A.. Pardaens, and J.. A. Lowe, Modelling the increased frequency of extreme sea levels in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta due to sea level rise and other effects of climate change, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1311 - 1322, 2015.
Bell, A., N. Matthews, and W. Zhang, Opportunities for improved promotion of ecosystem services in agriculture under the water-energy-food nexus, Journal Of Environmental Studies And Sciences, 2015.
Pereira, L., T. Karpouzoglou, S. Doshi, and N. Frantzeskaki, Organising a safe space for navigating social-ecological transformations to sustainability, International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, vol. 12, issue 7: MDPI AG, pp. 6027-6044, 2015.
Ioris, A., The paradox of poverty in rich ecosystems: impoverishment and development in the amazon of Brazil and Bolivia, The Geographical Journal, 2015.
Nadiruzzaman, M., and D. Wrathall, Participatory exclusion – Cyclone Sidr and its aftermath, Geoforum, vol. 64, pp. 196-204, 2015.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martin-Lopez, T. M. Daw, E. L. Bohensky, J. R. A. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallen, et al., Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies, Ecology and Society, vol. 20, issue 4, 2015.
Steffen, W., K. Richardson, J. Rockstrom, S. E. Cornell, I. Fetzer, E. M. Bennett, R. Biggs, S. R. Carpenter, W. de Vries, C. A. de Wit, et al., Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science, vol. 347, pp. 736, 2015.
Zhang, K., J. A. Dearing, T. P. Dawson, X. Dong, X. Yang, and W. Zhang, Poverty alleviation strategies in eastern China lead to critical ecological dynamics, Science of the Total Environment, vol. 506–507, pp. 164-181, 2015.
Brown, K. A., K. E. Parks, C. A. Bethell, S. E. Johnson, and M. Mulligan, Predicting plant diversity patterns in Madagascar: understanding the effects of climate and land cover change in a biodiversity hotspot, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, pp. e0122721, 2015.
Ioris, A., The production of poverty and the poverty of production in the Amazon: Reflections from those at the sharp end of development, Capitalism Nature Socialism, 2015.
Fernandes, J. A., S. Kay, M. A. R. Hoassain, M. Ahmed, W. W. L. Cheung, A. N. Lázár, and M. Barange, Projecting marine fish production and catch potential in Bangladesh in the 21st century under long-term environmental change and management scenarios, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 2015.
Clarke, D.., S.. Williams, M.. Jahiruddin, K.. Parks, and M.. Salehin, Projections of on-farm salinity in coastal Bangladesh, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015.
Morris, N., Providing ethical guidance for collaborative research in developing countries, Research Ethics, 2015.
