ESPA Publications

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Macqueen, D., and S. Korhaliller, Bundles of energy: The case for renewable biomass energy, , London, IIED, 2011.
Marengo, J. A., S. Chan Chou, G. Kay, L. M. Alves, J. F. Pesquero, W. R. Soares, D. C. Santos, A. A. Lyra, G. Sueiro, R. Betts, et al., Development of regional future climate change scenarios in South America using the Eta CPTEC/HadCM3 climate change projections: climatology and regional analyses for the Amazon, São Francisco and the Paraná River basins, Climate Dynamics, vol. 38, issue 9-10: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 1829-1848, 2011.
Chou, S. Chan, J. A. Marengo, A. A. Lyra, G. Sueiro, J. F. Pesquero, L. M. Alves, G. Kay, R. Betts, D. J. Chagas, J. L. Gomes, et al., Downscaling of South America present climate driven by 4-member HadCM3 runs, Climate Dynamics, vol. 38, issue 3-4, pp. 635-653, 2011.
Kessel, A., and C. Stephens, The environment, ethics and public health: The dilemmas of global warming, : Cambridge University Press, 2011.
Kirui, K.B.., J.G.. Kairo, J.. Bosire, K.M.. Viergever, S.. Rudra, M.. Huxham, and R.A.. Briers, Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery, Ocean & Coastal Management: Elsevier, 2011.
Kirui, K.B.., J.G.. Kairo, J.. Bosire, K.M.. Viergever, S.. Rudra, M.. Huxham, and R.A.. Briers, Mapping of mangrove forest land cover change along the Kenya coastline using Landsat imagery, Ocean & Coastal Management: Elsevier, 2011.
Osaliya, R.., F.. Kansiime, H.. Oryem-Origa, and E.. Kateyo, The potential use of storm water and effluent from a constructed wetland for re-vegetating a degraded pyrite trail in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, vol. 36, issue 14–15, pp. 842-852, 2011.
Osaliya, R.., F.. Kansiime, H.. Oryem-Origa, and E.. Kateyo, The potential use of storm water and effluent from a constructed wetland for re-vegetating a degraded pyrite trail in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, vol. 36, issue 14–15, pp. 842-852, 2011.
Saunders, M. J., F. Kansiime, and M. B. Jones, Agricultural encroachment: implications for carbon sequestration in tropical African wetlands, Global Change Biology, vol. 18, issue 4: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1312-1321, 2012.
Cardinale, B. J., E. J. Duffy, A. Gonzalez, D. U. Hooper, C. Perrings, P. Venail, A. Narwani, G. M. Mace, D. Tilman, D. A. Wardle, et al., Biodiversity loss and its impact on humanity, Nature, vol. 486, issue 7401: Nature Publishing Group, pp. 59-67, 2012.
Stringer, L.. C., A.. J. Dougill, A.. D. Thomas, D.. V. Spracklen, S.. Chesterman, I. C. Speranza, H.. Rueff, M.. Riddell, M.. Williams, T.. Beedy, et al., Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands, Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 19-20: Elsevier, pp. 121-135, 2012.
Stringer, L.. C., A.. J. Dougill, A.. D. Thomas, D.. V. Spracklen, S.. Chesterman, I. C. Speranza, H.. Rueff, M.. Riddell, M.. Williams, T.. Beedy, et al., Challenges and opportunities in linking carbon sequestration, livelihoods and ecosystem service provision in drylands, Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 19-20: Elsevier, pp. 121-135, 2012.
Bausch, D.G., L.M. Moses, A. Goba, D.S. Grant, and H. Khan, Lassa fever, : Taylor & Francis, 2012.
Grace, D., J. Gilbert, T. Randolph, and E. Kang’ethe, The multiple burdens of zoonotic disease and an ecohealth approach to their assessment, Tropical Animal Health and Production, vol. 44, issue S1: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 67-73, 2012.
Vira, B., B. Adams, C. Agarwal, S. Badiger, R.. A. Hope, J. Krishnaswamy, and C. Kumar, Negotiating trade-offs: choices about ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 47, issue 9, Mumbai, India, Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 67-75, 2012.
Vira, B., B. Adams, C. Agarwal, S. Badiger, R.. A. Hope, J. Krishnaswamy, and C. Kumar, Negotiating trade-offs: choices about ecosystem services for poverty alleviation, Economic and Political Weekly, vol. 47, issue 9, Mumbai, India, Economic & Political Weekly, pp. 67-75, 2012.
Kumar, P., Valuation of regulating services of ecosystems: Methodology and applications, , London, Routledge, 2012.
Ogutu, J. O., N. Owen-Smith, H-P. Piepho, M. Y. Said, S. C. Kifugo, R. S. Reid, H. Gichohi, P. Kahumbu, and S. Andanje, Changing wildlife populations in Nairobi National Park and adjoining Athi-Kaputiei Plains: collapse of the migratory wildebeest, The Open Conservation Biology Journal, vol. 7, pp. 11-26, 2013.
Ogutu, J. O., N. Owen-Smith, H-P. Piepho, M. Y. Said, S. C. Kifugo, R. S. Reid, H. Gichohi, P. Kahumbu, and S. Andanje, Changing wildlife populations in Nairobi National Park and adjoining Athi-Kaputiei Plains: collapse of the migratory wildebeest, The Open Conservation Biology Journal, vol. 7, pp. 11-26, 2013.
Siyame, E. W. P., R. Hurst, A. A. Wawer, S. D. Young, M. R. Broadley, A. D. C. Chilimba, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., A high prevalence of zinc- but not iron-deficiency among women in rural Malawi: a cross-sectional study, International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, vol. 83, issue 3, pp. 176-187, 2013.
Siyame, E. W. P., R. Hurst, A. A. Wawer, S. D. Young, M. R. Broadley, A. D. C. Chilimba, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., A high prevalence of zinc- but not iron-deficiency among women in rural Malawi: a cross-sectional study, International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research, vol. 83, issue 3, pp. 176-187, 2013.
Muradian, R.., M.. Arsel, L.. Pellegrini, F.. Adaman, B.. Aguilar, B.. Agarwal, E.. Corbera, E. D. de Blas, J.. Farley, G.. Froger, et al., Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, Conservation Letters: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.
Cohen, R.., J.. Kaino, J.A.. Okello, J.O.. Bosire, J.G.. Kairo, M.. Huxham, and M.. Mencuccini, Propagating uncertainty to estimates of above-ground biomass for Kenyan mangroves: A scaling procedure from tree to landscape level, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 310: Elsevier, pp. 968-982, 2013.
Cohen, R.., J.. Kaino, J.A.. Okello, J.O.. Bosire, J.G.. Kairo, M.. Huxham, and M.. Mencuccini, Propagating uncertainty to estimates of above-ground biomass for Kenyan mangroves: A scaling procedure from tree to landscape level, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 310: Elsevier, pp. 968-982, 2013.
Funk, S., T. L. Bogich, K. E. Jones, M. A. Kilpatrick, and P. Daszak, Quantifying trends in disease impact to produce a consistent and reproducible definition of an emerging infectious disease, PLos One, vol. 8, issue 8, 2013.
