ESPA Publications
From shiny shoes to muddy reality: understanding how meso-state actors negotiate the implementation gap in Participatory Forest Management,
Society & Natural Resources, pp. 1-15, 2017.
Understanding trade-offs in upscaling and integrating climate-smart agriculture and sustainable river basin management in Malawi,
Environmental Science & Policy, vol. 80, pp. 117-124, 2017.
Governing the UN sustainable development goals: interactions, infrastructures, and institutions,
Lancet Global Health, vol. 3, pp. e251-e252, 2015.
Turning the tide: How blue carbon and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) might help save mangrove forests,
Ambio, vol. 43, issue 8, pp. 981-995, 2014.
Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions,
Conservation Letters: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.
Public perceptions of papyrus: community appraisal of wetland ecosystem services at Lake Naivasha, Kenya,
Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology, vol. 13, issue 2, pp. 135-147, 2013.
Basin-scale control on the phytoplankton biomass in Lake Victoria, Africa,
PLoS ONE, vol. 7, issue 1, pp. 1-9, 01/2012.
Managing the natural capital of papyrus within riparian zones of Lake Victoria, Kenya,
Hydrobiologia, vol. 692, issue 1: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 5-17, 2011.