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Adger, W.. N., and A.. Winkels, Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well-being, : Elgar, 2014.
Friedman, R., M. Hirons, and E. Boyd, Vulnerability of Ghanaian women cocoa farmers to climate change: a typology, Climate and Development, 2018.
Beven, K., W. Buytaert, and L. A. Smith, On virtual observatories and modelled realities (or why discharge must be treated as a virtual variable), Hydrological Processes, vol. 26, issue 12: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1905-1908, 2012.
Wu, B., B. Robinson, and W. Long, Variations in village migration profiles in rural China: An analysis based on the Second National Agricultural Census data, Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, vol. 24(2), pp. 160 - 1486, 2015.
Emerton, L., M. Huxham, J. Bournazel, and P. M. Kumara, Valuing ecosystems as an economic part of climate-compatible development infrastructure in coastal zones of Kenya & Sri Lanka, : Springer, 2016.
Hirons, M., C. Comberti, and R. Dunford, Valuing cultural ecosystem services, Annual Review Of Environment And Resources, vol. 41, issue 7: ANNUAL REVIEWS, pp. 545-574, 2016.
Kumar, P., Valuation of regulating services of ecosystems: Methodology and applications, , London, Routledge, 2012.