ESPA Publications
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Facility-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases; diagnostic practices in rural West African hospital settings: observations from Ghana,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, 2017.
Food security in a perfect storm: using the ecosystem services framework to increase understanding,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, vol. vol. 369, issue no. 1639, London, Royal Society, The, 2014.
Future change of temperature and precipitation extremes in South America as derived from the PRECIS regional climate modeling system,
International Journal of Climatology, vol. 29, issue 15: Royal Meteorological Society, pp. 2241-2255, 2009.
A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom,
Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 68, issue 1, pp. 219-232, 2015.
Health and climate change: policy responses to protect public health,
Lancet, vol. 386, pp. 1861-1914, 2015.
How can ecologists help realise the potential of payments for carbon in tropical forest countries?,
Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 47, issue 6: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 1159-1165, 2010.
How valuing nature can transform agriculture,
The Solutions Journal, vol. 6: Open access journal: https://thesolutionsjournal., pp. 64-73, 2012.
Impacts of climate change and socio-economic scenarios on flow and water quality of the Ganga, Brahmaputra and Meghna river system: Low flow and flood statistics,
Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1057 - 1069, 2015.
Impacts of community forest management on human economic well-being across Madagascar,
Conservation Letters, pp. 1-8, 2016.
Integrative modelling for One Health: pattern, process and participation,
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, issue 1725: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Iodine source apportionment in the Malawian diet,
Scientific Reports, vol. 5: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2015.
The IPBES Conceptual Framework connecting nature and people,
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, pp. 1-16, 2015.
Leadership and the voluntary provision of public goods: Field evidence from Bolivia,
Journal Of Public Economics, pp. 80-93, 2014.
Linking reef ecology to island building: Parrotfish identified as major producers of island-building sediment in the Maldives,
Geology, vol. 43, issue 6, pp. 503-506, 2015.
Mainstreaming marine biodiversity into the SDGs: the role of other effective area-based conservation measures (SDG 14.5),
Marine Policy, 2017.
Making predictions of mangrove deforestation: a comparison of two methods in Kenya,
Global Change Biology: Wiley-Blackwell, 2013.
A methodology for adaptable and robust ecosystem services assessment,
PLoS One, 2014.
Multi-dimensional poverty effects around operational biofuel projects In Malawi, Mozambique And Swaziland,
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2016.
Multi-dimensional poverty effects around operational biofuel projects In Malawi, Mozambique And Swaziland,
Biomass and Bioenergy, 2016.
Operationalizing safe operating space for regional social-ecological systems,
Science of The Total Environment, vol. 584-585, pp. 673-682, 2017.