ESPA Publications

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Pinho, P. Fernanda, G. Patenaude, J. P. Ometto, P. Meir, P. M. Toledo, A. Coelho, and C. Eduardo Fr Young, Ecosystem protection and poverty alleviation in the tropics: Perspective from a historical evolution of policy-making in the Brazilian Amazon, Ecosystem Services, vol. 8, pp. 97-109, 2014.
J. McGregor, A., V. Salagrama, and A. V. Bahadur, Fisheries in coastal India: Extraction, livelihoods and a way of life, , Farnham, Ashgate, 2014.
Poppy, G.. M., S.. Chiotha, F.. Eigenbrod, C.. A. Harvey, M.. Honzák, M.. D. Hudson, A.. Jarvis, N.. J. Madise, K.. Schreckenberg, C.. M. Shackleton, et al., Food security in a perfect storm: using the ecosystem services framework to increase understanding, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences, vol. vol. 369, issue no. 1639, London, Royal Society, The, 2014.
Mableson, H. E., A. Okello, K. Picozzi, and S. Christina Welburn, Neglected zoonotic diseases - The long and winding road to advocacy, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 8, issue 6, 2014.
Dearing, J. A., R. Wang, K. Zhang, J. G. Dyke, H. Haberl, M.. Sarwar Hossain, P. G. Langdon, T. M. Lenton, K. Raworth, S. Brown, et al., Safe and just operating spaces for regional social-ecological systems, Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions, vol. 28, pp. 227-238, 2014.
Dennis, J. W., S. M. Durkin, J. E. Horsley-Downie, L. C. Hamill, N. E. Anderson, and E. T. MacLeod, Sodalis glossinidius prevalence and trypanosome presence in tsetse from Luambe National Park, Zambia, Parasites & Vectors, vol. 7, 2014.
Banwart, S.A.., Soil carbon: science, management and policy for multiple benefits, : CABI Publishing, 2014.
Sikor, T., A. Martin, J. Fisher, and J. He, Toward an empirical analysis of justice in ecosystem governance, Conservation Letters, vol. 7, issue 6, pp. 524-532, 2014.
Zeitoun, M., J. Warner, N. Mirumachi, N. Matthews, K. McLaughlin, M. Woodhouse, A. Cascão, and T.(J. A.) Allan, Transboundary water justice: a combined reading of literature on critical transboundary water interaction and ‘justice’, for analysis and diplomacy, Water Policy, vol. 16, issue S2, pp. 174–193, 2014.
Zeitoun, M., J. Warner, N. Mirumachi, N. Matthews, K. McLaughlin, M. Woodhouse, A. Cascão, and T.(J. A.) Allan, Transboundary water justice: a combined reading of literature on critical transboundary water interaction and ‘justice’, for analysis and diplomacy, Water Policy, vol. 16, issue S2, pp. 174–193, 2014.
Zeitoun, M., J. Warner, N. Mirumachi, N. Matthews, K. McLaughlin, M. Woodhouse, A. Cascão, and T.(J. A.) Allan, Transboundary water justice: a combined reading of literature on critical transboundary water interaction and ‘justice’, for analysis and diplomacy, Water Policy, vol. 16, issue S2, pp. 174–193, 2014.
Locatelli, T., T. Binet, J. Gitundu Kairo, L. King, S. Madden, G. Patenaude, C. Upton, and M. Huxham, Turning the tide: How blue carbon and Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) might help save mangrove forests, Ambio, vol. 43, issue 8, pp. 981-995, 2014.
Fisher, J. A., G. Patenaude, K. Giri, K. Lewis, P. Meir, P. Pinho, M. D. A. Rounsevell, and M. Williams, Understanding the relationships between ecosystem services and poverty alleviation: A conceptual framework, Ecosystem Services, vol. 7: Elsevier, pp. 34-45, 2014.
Buytaert, W.., A.. Mishra, S.. Demuth, J. B. Cisneros, B.. Stewart, and C.. Caponi, Adapting to climate variability and change, : UNESCO, 2015.
Black, H., and P. Mele, Advances in soil biology: what does this mean for assessing soil change?, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol. 25, 2015.
Fischer, J., T. A. Gardner, E. M. Bennett, P. Balvanera, R. Biggs, S. Carpenter, T. Daw, C. Folke, R. Hill, T. P. Hughes, et al., Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social-ecological systems perspective, Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, issue 4, pp. 144-149, 2015.
Fischer, J., T. A. Gardner, E. M. Bennett, P. Balvanera, R. Biggs, S. Carpenter, T. Daw, C. Folke, R. Hill, T. P. Hughes, et al., Advancing sustainability through mainstreaming a social-ecological systems perspective, Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, issue 4, pp. 144-149, 2015.
Lázár, A. N., D. Clarke, H. Adams, A. Razzaque Akanda, S. Szabo, R. J. Nicholls, Z. Matthews, D. Begum, A. Fazal M. Saleh, M.. Anwarul Abedin, et al., Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change – a model framework, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Lázár, A. N., D. Clarke, H. Adams, A. Razzaque Akanda, S. Szabo, R. J. Nicholls, Z. Matthews, D. Begum, A. Fazal M. Saleh, M.. Anwarul Abedin, et al., Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change – a model framework, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Lázár, A. N., D. Clarke, H. Adams, A. Razzaque Akanda, S. Szabo, R. J. Nicholls, Z. Matthews, D. Begum, A. Fazal M. Saleh, M.. Anwarul Abedin, et al., Agricultural livelihoods in coastal Bangladesh under climate and environmental change – a model framework, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1007 - 1192, 2015.
Huxham, M., L. Emerton, J. Kairo, F. Munyi, H. Abdirizak, T. Muriuki, F. Nunan, and R. A. Briers, Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests, Journal of environmental management, vol. 157, pp. 168-81, 2015.
Huxham, M., L. Emerton, J. Kairo, F. Munyi, H. Abdirizak, T. Muriuki, F. Nunan, and R. A. Briers, Applying Climate Compatible Development and economic valuation to coastal management: A case study of Kenya's mangrove forests, Journal of environmental management, vol. 157, pp. 168-81, 2015.
Dawson, N., and A. Martin, Assessing the contribution of ecosystem services to human wellbeing: A disaggregated study in western Rwanda, Ecological Economics, vol. 117, pp. 62-72, 2015.
Gasparatos, A.., G.. P. von Maltitz, F.. X. Johnson, L.. Lee, M.. Mathai, J.. A. Puppim de Oliveira, and K.. J. Willis, Biofuels in sub-Sahara Africa: Drivers, impacts and priority policy areas, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 45, pp. 879-901, 2015.
McClanahan, T.. R., Biogeography versus resource management: how do they compare when prioritizing the management of coral reef fish in the south-western Indian Ocean?, Journal of Biogeography, 2015.
