ESPA Publications

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Zulkafli, Z.., W.. Buytaert, C.. Onof, W.. Lavado, and J.. L. Guyot, A critical assessment of the JULES land surface model hydrology for humid tropical environments, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions, vol. 9, issue 11: Copernicus Publications, pp. 12523-12561, 2012.
Black, E., P. Luigi Vidale, A. Verhoef, S. Vianna Cuadra, T. Osborne, and C. Van den Hoof, Cultivating C4 crops in a changing climate: sugarcane in Ghana, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 7, issue 4, pp. 044027, 2012.
Ometto, J. Pierre, A. Paula Dutr Aguiar, and L. Antonio Martinelli, Amazon deforestation in Brazil: effects, drivers and challenges, Carbon Management, vol. 2, issue 5: Future Science, pp. 575-585, 2011.
Morrison, E.. H. J., C.. Upton, K.. Odhiambo-K'oyooh, and D.. M. Harper, Managing the natural capital of papyrus within riparian zones of Lake Victoria, Kenya, Hydrobiologia, vol. 692, issue 1: Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 5-17, 2011.
Osaliya, R.., F.. Kansiime, H.. Oryem-Origa, and E.. Kateyo, The potential use of storm water and effluent from a constructed wetland for re-vegetating a degraded pyrite trail in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, vol. 36, issue 14–15, pp. 842-852, 2011.
Osaliya, R.., F.. Kansiime, H.. Oryem-Origa, and E.. Kateyo, The potential use of storm water and effluent from a constructed wetland for re-vegetating a degraded pyrite trail in Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda, Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, vol. 36, issue 14–15, pp. 842-852, 2011.
