ESPA Publications

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Díaz, S., S. Demissew, J. Carabias, C. Joly, M. Lonsdale, N. Ash, A. Larigauderie, J. Ram Adhikari, S. Arico, A. Báldi, et al., The IPBES Conceptual Framework — connecting nature and people, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, vol. 14, pp. 1-16, 2015.
Baez, S., A. Malizia, J. Carilla, C. Blundo, M. Aguilar, N. Aguirre, Z. Aquirre, E. Alvarez, F. Cuesta, A. Duque, et al., Large-scale patterns of turnover and basal area change in Andean forests, PLos One, 2015.
Perry, C.T.., P.S.. Kench, M.J.. O’Leary, K.M.. Morgan, and F.. Januchowski-Hartley, Linking reef ecology to island building: Parrotfish identified as major producers of island-building sediment in the Maldives, Geology, vol. 43, issue 6, pp. 503-506, 2015.
Tanner, T., D. Lewis, D. Wrathall, R. Bronen, N. Cradock-Henry, S. Huq, C. Lawless, R. Nawrotzki, V. Prasad, M.A. Rahman, et al., Livelihood resilience in the face of climate change, Nature Climate Change, vol. 1, pp. 23-26, 2015.
Kay, S.., J.. Caesar, J.. Wolf, L.. Bricheno, R.. J. Nicholls, A.. K. M. Saif Islam, A.. Haque, A.. Pardaens, and J.. A. Lowe, Modelling the increased frequency of extreme sea levels in the Ganges–Brahmaputra–Meghna delta due to sea level rise and other effects of climate change, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, vol. 17, pp. 1311 - 1322, 2015.
Pereira, L., T. Karpouzoglou, S. Doshi, and N. Frantzeskaki, Organising a safe space for navigating social-ecological transformations to sustainability, International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, vol. 12, issue 7: MDPI AG, pp. 6027-6044, 2015.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martin-Lopez, T. M. Daw, E. L. Bohensky, J. R. A. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallen, et al., Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies, Ecology and Society, vol. 20, issue 4, 2015.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martin-Lopez, T. M. Daw, E. L. Bohensky, J. R. A. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallen, et al., Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies, Ecology and Society, vol. 20, issue 4, 2015.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martin-Lopez, T. M. Daw, E. L. Bohensky, J. R. A. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallen, et al., Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies, Ecology and Society, vol. 20, issue 4, 2015.
Steffen, W., K. Richardson, J. Rockstrom, S. E. Cornell, I. Fetzer, E. M. Bennett, R. Biggs, S. R. Carpenter, W. de Vries, C. A. de Wit, et al., Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science, vol. 347, pp. 736, 2015.
Brown, K. A., K. E. Parks, C. A. Bethell, S. E. Johnson, and M. Mulligan, Predicting plant diversity patterns in Madagascar: understanding the effects of climate and land cover change in a biodiversity hotspot, PLoS ONE, vol. 10, pp. e0122721, 2015.
Clarke, D.., S.. Williams, M.. Jahiruddin, K.. Parks, and M.. Salehin, Projections of on-farm salinity in coastal Bangladesh, Environmental Science-Processes & Impacts, 2015.
Cruz-Garcia, G. S., E. Sachet, M. Vanegas, and K. Piispanen, Are the major imperatives of food security missing in ecosystem services research?, Ecosystem Services, vol. 19, pp. 19-31, 2016.
Baumert, S., A. Catarina Luz, J. Fisher, F. Vollmer, C. M. Ryan, G. Patenaude, P. Zorrilla-Miras, L. Artur, I. Nhantumbo, and D. Macqueen, Charcoal supply chains from Mabalane to Maputo: who benefits?, Energy For Sustainable Development, vol. 33, issue 6: ELSEVIER SCIENCE BV, pp. 129-138, 2016.
Pandeya, B., W. Buytaert, Z. Zulkafli, T. Karpouzoglou, F. Mao, and D. Hannah, A comparative analysis of ecosystem services valuation approaches for application at the local scale and in data scarce regions, Ecosystem Services, vol. 22, pp. 250-259, 2016.
Tsirinzeni, M., M. D. Hudson, K. E. Parks, R. A. Bone, and S. Willcock, Deforestation since independence: a quantitative assessment of four decades of land-cover change in Malawi, Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, vol. 79, pp. 269-275, 2016.
Ryan, C.M.., R.. Pritchard, I.. McNicol, M.. Owen, J..A.Fisher, and C.. Lehmann, Ecosystem services from southern African woodlands and their future under global change, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 371, 09/2016.
Daw, T. M., C. C. Hicks, K. Brown, T. Chaigneau, F. A. Januchowski-Hartley, W. W. L. Cheung, S. Rosendo, B. Crona, S. Coulthard, C. Sandbrook, et al., Elasticity in ecosystem services: exploring the variable relationship between ecosystems and human well-being, Ecology and Society, vol. 21, issue 7: RESILIENCE ALLIANCE, 2016.
Wilcock, S., S. L. Dobbie, E. L. Green, A. Nicholass, S. vanEetvelt, O.. J. Wagstaff, J. A. N. Weyell, K. Schreckenberg, M. D. Hudson, F. Eigenbrod, et al., Field manual for participatory data collection on biophysical stock of ecosystem services, , 2016.
Popova, E., A. Yool, V. Byfield, K. Cochrane, A. C. Coward, S. S. Salim, M. A. Gasalla, S. A. Henson, A. J. Hobday, G. T. Pecl, et al., From global to regional and back again: common climate stressors of marine ecosystems relevant for adaptation across five ocean warming hotspots, Global Change Biology, vol. 22, issue 6: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 2038-2053, 2016.
Popova, E., A. Yool, V. Byfield, K. Cochrane, A. C. Coward, S. S. Salim, M. A. Gasalla, S. A. Henson, A. J. Hobday, G. T. Pecl, et al., From global to regional and back again: common climate stressors of marine ecosystems relevant for adaptation across five ocean warming hotspots, Global Change Biology, vol. 22, issue 6: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 2038-2053, 2016.
Willcock, S., O. L. Phillips, P. J. Platts, R. D. Swetnam, A. Balmford, N. D. Burgess, A. Ahrends, J. Bayliss, N. Doggart, K. Doody, et al., Land cover change and carbon emissions over 100 years in an African biodiversity hotspot, Global Change Biology, vol. 22, issue 7: WILEY, pp. 2787-2800, 2016.
Willcock, S., O. L. Phillips, P. J. Platts, R. D. Swetnam, A. Balmford, N. D. Burgess, A. Ahrends, J. Bayliss, N. Doggart, K. Doody, et al., Land cover change and carbon emissions over 100 years in an African biodiversity hotspot, Global Change Biology, vol. 22, issue 7: WILEY, pp. 2787-2800, 2016.
Willcock, S.., S.. Hossain, and G.. M. Poppy, Managing complex systems to enhance sustainability, : Oxford University Press, 2016.
van Zwieten, P. A. M., J. Kolding, M. J. Plank, R. E. Hecky, T. B. Bridgeman, S. MacIntyre, O. Seehausen, and G. M. Silsbe, The Nile perch invasion In Lake Victoria: Cause or consequence of the Haplochromine decline?, Canadian Journal Of Fisheries And Aquatic Sciences, vol. 73, pp. 622-643, 2016.
