ESPA Publications

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Poudyal, M., Ensuring participatory and pro-poor Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES) schemes: Insights from ESPA Research, , 2017.
Dawson, N., K. Grogan, A. Martin, O. Mertz, M. Pasgaard, and L. Vang Rasmussen, Environmental justice research shows the importance of social feedbacks in ecosystem service trade-offs, Ecology and Society, vol. 22, 2017.
McClanahan, T. R., and N. A. Muthiga, Environmental variability indicates a climate-adaptive center under threat in northern Mozambique coral reefs, Ecosphere, vol. 8, 2017.
Mwiinde, A. Mayaba, M. Simuunza, B. Namangala, C. Miriam Chama-Chiliba, N. Machila, N. Anderson, A. Shaw, and S. C. Welburn, Estimating the economic and social consequences for patients diagnosed with human African trypanosomiasis in Muchinga, Lusaka and Eastern Provinces of Zambia (2004-2014), Infectious Diseases Of Poverty, vol. 6, issue 11: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2017.
Redding, D. W., T. C. D. Lucas, T. M. Blackburn, and K. E. Jones, Evaluating Bayesian spatial methods for modelling species distributions with clumped and restricted occurrence data, PLoS ONE, 2017.
Gress, S. K., M. Huxham, J. G. Kairo, L. M. Mugi, and R. A. Briers, Evaluating, predicting and mapping belowground carbon stores in Kenyan mangroves, Global Change Biology, vol. 23, issue 1: WILEY-BLACKWELL, pp. 224-234, 2017.
Tabor, K., K. W. Jones, J. Hewson, A. Rasolohery, A. Rambeloson, T. Andrianjohaninarivo, and C. A. Harvey, Evaluating the effectiveness of conservation and development investments in reducing deforestation and fires in Ankeniheny-Zahemena Corridor, Madagascar, PLOS ONE, vol. 12, issue 12, 2017.
Jephcott, F. L., J. L. N. Wood, and A. A. Cunningham, Facility-based surveillance for emerging infectious diseases; diagnostic practices in rural West African hospital settings: observations from Ghana, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, 2017.
Robinson, J., A. New, E. Popova, M. Srokosz, and A. Yool, Far-field connectivity of the UK's four largest marine protected areas: four of a kind?, Earth's Future, 2017.
Arnillas, C. Alberto, C. Tovar, M. W. Cadotte, and W. Buytaert, From patches to richness: assessing the potential impact of landscape transformation on biodiversity, Ecosphere, vol. 8, issue 11: WILEY, 2017.
Kairu, A.., C.. Upton, M.. Huxham, K.. Kotut, R.. Mbeche, and J.. Kairu, From shiny shoes to muddy reality: understanding how meso-state actors negotiate the implementation gap in Participatory Forest Management, Society & Natural Resources, pp. 1-15, 2017.
Buytaert, W., S. Moulds, L. Acosta, B. De Bièvre, C. Olmos, M. Villacis, C. Tovar, and K. M. J. Verbist, Glacial melt content of water use in the tropical Andes, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 12, issue 11: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017.
Scoones, I., K. Jones, G. Lo Iacono, D. W. Redding, A. Wilkinson, and J. L. N. Wood, Integrative modelling for One Health: pattern, process and participation, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, issue 1725: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Nicholls, R.J.., and C.W.. Hutton, Inter-disciplinary modeling for pro-poor policy-making, , 2017.
Shewly, H., and M.. Nadiruzzaman, Invisible journeys across India-Bangladesh borders and bubbles of corrupt networks: stories of cross-border rural-urban migration and economic linkages, , London, Routledge, 2017.
Shewly, H., and M.. Nadiruzzaman, Invisible journeys across India-Bangladesh borders and bubbles of corrupt networks: stories of cross-border rural-urban migration and economic linkages, Corrupt Places: The Illicit in the Governance and Development of Cities, Regions and Networks, London, Routledge, pp. 34-53, 2017.
Suu-Ire, R. D., A. R. Fooks, A. C. Banyard, D. Selden, K. Amponsah-Mensah, S. Riesle, M. Y. Ziekah, Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, J. L. N. Wood, and A. A. Cunningham, Lagos bat virus infection dynamics in free-ranging straw-colored fruit bats (eidolon helvum), Tropical Medicine And Infectious Disease, 2017.
Galafassi, D., T. M. Daw, L. Munyi, K. Brown, C. Barnaud, and I. Fazey, Learning about social-ecological trade-offs, Ecology and Society, vol. 22, 2017.
Morgera, E., and M. Ntona, Linking small-scale fisheries to international obligations on marine technology transfer, Marine Policy, 2017.
Ayivor, J. S., F. Ohemeng, E. Tweneboah Lawson, L. Waldman, M. Leach, and Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, Living with bats: the case of Ve Golokuati Township in the Volta region of Ghana., Journal Of Environmental And Public Health, vol. 2017, pp. 5938934, 2017.
Leach, M., B. Bett, M.. Said, S. Bukachi, R. Sang, N. Anderson, N. Machila, J. Kuleszo, K. Schaten, V. Dzingirai, et al., Local disease - ecosystem - livelihood dynamics: reflections from comparative case studies in Africa, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 372, issue 1725: ROYAL SOC, 2017.
Diz, D., D. Johnson, M. Riddell, S. Rees, J. Battle, K. Gjerde, S. Hennige, and M. J. Roberts, Mainstreaming marine biodiversity into the SDGs: the role of other effective area-based conservation measures (SDG 14.5), Marine Policy, 2017.
Cruz-Garcia, G. S., Management and motivations to manage “wild” food plants. A case study in a mestizo village in the Amazon deforestation frontier, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, vol. 5, issue 127, 2017.
Ghimire, C. Prasad, A. L. Bruijnzeel, M. W. Lubczynski, M. Ravelona, B. W. Zwartendijk, and H.J.. van Meerveld, Measurement and modeling of rainfall interception by two differently aged secondary forests in upland Eastern Madagascar, Journal Of Hydrology, vol. 545, pp. 212-225, 2017.
Payo, A., A. N. Lázár, D. Clarke, R. J. Nicholls, L. Bricheno, S. Mashfiqus, and A. Haque, Modeling daily soil salinity dynamics in response to agricultural and environmental changes in coastal Bangladesh, Earth's Future, vol. 5, issue 1725: WILEY, pp. 495-514, 2017.
