ESPA Publications

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Szabo, S., E. Brondizio, F. G. Renaud, S. Hetrick, R. J. Nicholls, Z. Matthews, Z. Tessler, A. Tejedor, Z. Sebesvari, E. Foufoula-Georgiou, et al., Population dynamics, delta vulnerability and environmental change: comparison of the Mekong, Ganges-Brahmaputra and Amazon delta regions, Sustainability Science, vol. 11, issue 4: SPRINGER JAPAN KK, pp. 539-554, 2016.
Schleicher, J., M. Schaafsma, N. D. Burgess, C. Sandbrook, F. Danks, C. Cowie, and B. Vira, Poorer without It? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing, Sustainable Development, 2018.
Schleicher, J., M. Scaafsma, N. D. Burgess, C. Sandbrook, F. Danks, C. Cowie, and B. Vira, Poorer without it? The neglected role of the natural environment in poverty and wellbeing, Sustainable Development, 08/2017.
Kovacs, E. K., C. Kumar, C. Agarwal, W. M. Adams, R. A. Hope, and B. Vira, The politics of negotiation and implementation: a reciprocal water access agreement in the Himalayan foothills, India, Ecology and Society, vol. 21, issue 2: RESILIENCE ALLIANCE, 2016.
Steffen, W., K. Richardson, J. Rockstrom, S. E. Cornell, I. Fetzer, E. M. Bennett, R. Biggs, S. R. Carpenter, W. de Vries, C. A. de Wit, et al., Planetary boundaries: Guiding human development on a changing planet, Science, vol. 347, pp. 736, 2015.
Waldman, L., R. Bisht, R. Saharia, A. Kapoor, B. Rizvi, Y. Hamid, M. Arora, I. Chopra, K. T. Sawansi, R. Priya, et al., Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, 2017.
Waldman, L., R. Bisht, R. Saharia, A. Kapoor, B. Rizvi, Y. Hamid, M. Arora, I. Chopra, K. T. Sawansi, R. Priya, et al., Peri-urbanism in globalizing India: a study of pollution, health and community awareness, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 14, issue 9, 09/2017.
Sharma, B. Mohan, G. K. Bharat, S. Tayal, T. Larssen, J. Becanova, P. Karaskova, P. G. Whitehead, M. N. Futter, D. Butterfield, and L. Nizzetto, Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in river and ground/drinking water of the Ganges River basin: Emissions and implications for human exposure, Environmental Pollution, vol. 208, issue 10, pp. 704-713, 2016.
Scoones, I., V. Dzingirai, N. Anderson, E. MacLeod, L. Mangwanya, F. Matawa, A. Murwira, L. Nyakupinda, W. Shereni, and S. Welburn, People, patches, and parasites: the case of Trypanosomiasis in Zimbabwe., Human Ecology, vol. 45, pp. 643-654, 2017.
Muradian, R.., M.. Arsel, L.. Pellegrini, F.. Adaman, B.. Aguilar, B.. Agarwal, E.. Corbera, E. D. de Blas, J.. Farley, G.. Froger, et al., Payments for ecosystem services and the fatal attraction of win-win solutions, Conservation Letters: Blackwell Publishing, 2013.
Bottazzi, P., J. P. G. Jones, D. Crespo, and E. Wiik, Payment for environmental "self-service": exploring the links between farmers' motivation and additionality in a conservation incentive programme in the Bolivian Andes, Ecological Economics, vol. 150, pp. 11-23, 2018.
Homewood, K., A.. Keane, M.. Said, and J.. De Leeuw, Pastoralism, conservation and resilience: causes and consequences of pastoralist household decision-making., , Cambridge, British Ecological Society/ Cambridge University Press, 2016.
Chiotha, S.., Partnership in climate change adaptation, : Michigan State University’s Alliance for African Partnership, 2017.
Oteros-Rozas, E., B. Martin-Lopez, T. M. Daw, E. L. Bohensky, J. R. A. Butler, R. Hill, J. Martin-Ortega, A. Quinlan, F. Ravera, I. Ruiz-Mallen, et al., Participatory scenario planning in place-based social-ecological research: insights and experiences from 23 case studies, Ecology and Society, vol. 20, issue 4, 2015.
Nadiruzzaman, M., and D. Wrathall, Participatory exclusion – Cyclone Sidr and its aftermath, Geoforum, vol. 64, pp. 196-204, 2015.
Schreckenberg, K., C. TorresVitolas, S. Willcock, C. Shackleton, C. Harvey, and D. Cafumbata, Participatory data collection for ecosystem services research, , 2016.
Martin, A., R. Myers, and N. M. Dawson, The park is ruining our livelihoods. We support the park! Unravelling the paradox of attitudes to protected areas, Human Ecology, vol. 46, issue 1, pp. 93-105, 02/2018.
Ioris, A., The paradox of poverty in rich ecosystems: impoverishment and development in the amazon of Brazil and Bolivia, The Geographical Journal, 2015.
van der Horst, D., and S. Vermeylen, Ownership claims, valuation practices, and the unpacking of energy-landscape conflicts, International Review of Sociology, vol. 22, pp. 429-445, 2012.
Pereira, L., T. Karpouzoglou, S. Doshi, and N. Frantzeskaki, Organising a safe space for navigating social-ecological transformations to sustainability, International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, vol. 12, issue 7: MDPI AG, pp. 6027-6044, 2015.
Razafindrakoto, M., A. Andriamananjara, T. Razafimbelo, J. Hewson, R. H. Andrisoa, J. P. G. Jones, I. van Meerveld, A. Cameron, N. Ranaivoson, N. Ramifehiarivo, et al., Organic carbon stocks in all pools following land cover change in the rainforest of Madagascar, Soil management and climate change: effects on organic carbon, nitrogen dynamics and greenhouse gas emissions: Academic Press, pp. 396, 2017.
Bell, A., N. Matthews, and W. Zhang, Opportunities for improved promotion of ecosystem services in agriculture under the water-energy-food nexus, Journal Of Environmental Studies And Sciences, 2015.
Hossain, M. Sawar, J. A. Dearing, F. Eigenbrod, and F. Amoako Johnson, Operationalizing safe operating space for regional social-ecological systems, Science of The Total Environment, vol. 584-585, pp. 673-682, 2017.
Bardosh, K., One Health: science, politics and zoonotic disease in Africa, : Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016.
Okello, A. L., K. Bardosh, J. Smith, and S. C. Welburn, One Health: Past successes and future challenges in three African contexts, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 8, issue 5, 2014.
