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Gannon, V., X. Li, D. Grace, and E. R. Atwill, Zoonotic Waterborne Pathogen Loads In Livestock, : World Health Organization, 2012.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Montanarella, L., D. Jon Pennock, N. McKenzie, M. Badraoui, V. Chude, I. Baptista, S. Kazem AlaviPanah, A. AlShankiti, T. Mamo, E. Ahmed El M. Elsheikh, et al., World's soils are under threat, Soil, vol. 2, pp. 79-82, 2016.
Adger, W.. N., and A.. Winkels, Vulnerability, poverty and sustaining well-being, : Elgar, 2014.
Auty, H., N. E. Anderson, K. Picozzi, T. Lembo, J. Mubanga, R. Hoare, R. D. Fyumagwa, B. Mable, L. Hamill, S. Cleaveland, et al., Trypanosome diversity in wildlife species from the Serengeti and Luangwa Valley ecosystems, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 6, issue 10, 2012.
Auty, H., N. E. Anderson, K. Picozzi, T. Lembo, J. Mubanga, R. Hoare, R. D. Fyumagwa, B. Mable, L. Hamill, S. Cleaveland, et al., Trypanosome diversity in wildlife species from the Serengeti and Luangwa Valley ecosystems, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, vol. 6, issue 10, 2012.
Zeitoun, M., J. Warner, N. Mirumachi, N. Matthews, K. McLaughlin, M. Woodhouse, A. Cascão, and T.(J. A.) Allan, Transboundary water justice: a combined reading of literature on critical transboundary water interaction and ‘justice’, for analysis and diplomacy, Water Policy, vol. 16, issue S2, pp. 174–193, 2014.
Martin, A., A. Akol, and N. Gross-Camp, Towards an explicit justice framing of the social impacts of conservation, Conservation & Society, vol. 13(2), pp. 166-178, 2015.
Andriamananjara, A., N. Ranaivoson, T. M. Razafimbelo, J. Hewson, N. Ramifehiarivo, A. Rasolohery, R. H. Andrisoa, M. A. Razafindrakoto, M.-P.. Razafimanantsoa, N.. Rabetokotany, et al., Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 68, pp. 930-940, 11/2017.
Andriamananjara, A., N. Ranaivoson, T. M. Razafimbelo, J. Hewson, N. Ramifehiarivo, A. Rasolohery, R. H. Andrisoa, M. A. Razafindrakoto, M.-P.. Razafimanantsoa, N.. Rabetokotany, et al., Towards a better understanding of soil organic carbon variation in Madagascar, European Journal of Soil Science, vol. 68, pp. 930-940, 11/2017.
Sakib, M., F. Nihal, A. Haque, M. Rahman, and M. Ali, Sundarban as a buffer against storm surge flooding, World Journal Of Engineering And Technology, vol. 3, pp. 59-64, 2015.
Grant, C., N. Anderson, and N. Machila, Stakeholder narratives on trypanosomiasis, their effect on policy and the scope for One Health, Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2015.
Shereni, W., N. E. Anderson, L. Nyakupinda, and G. Cecchi, Spatial distribution and trypanosome infection of tsetse flies in the sleeping sickness focus of Zimbabwe in Hurungwe District, Parasites & Vectors, vol. 9, issue 3: BIOMED CENTRAL LTD, 2016.
Adams, H., N. W. Adger, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, D. Begum, A. N. Lázár, Z. Matthews, M. Mofizur Rahman, and P. Kim Streatfield, Spatial and temporal dynamics of multidimensional well-being, livelihoods and ecosystem services in coastal Bangladesh, Scientific Data, vol. 3, issue 1: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2016.
Adams, H., N. W. Adger, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, D. Begum, A. N. Lázár, Z. Matthews, M. Mofizur Rahman, and P. Kim Streatfield, Spatial and temporal dynamics of multidimensional well-being, livelihoods and ecosystem services in coastal Bangladesh, Scientific Data, vol. 3, issue 1: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2016.
Adams, H., N. W. Adger, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, D. Begum, A. N. Lázár, Z. Matthews, M. Mofizur Rahman, and P. Kim Streatfield, Spatial and temporal dynamics of multidimensional well-being, livelihoods and ecosystem services in coastal Bangladesh, Scientific Data, vol. 3, issue 1: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2016.
Adams, H., N. W. Adger, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmed, D. Begum, A. N. Lázár, Z. Matthews, M. Mofizur Rahman, and P. Kim Streatfield, Spatial and temporal dynamics of multidimensional well-being, livelihoods and ecosystem services in coastal Bangladesh, Scientific Data, vol. 3, issue 1: NATURE PUBLISHING GROUP, 2016.
Hurst, R., E. W. P. Siyame, S. D. Young, A. D. C. Chilimba, E. J. M. Joy, C. R. Black, L. E. Ander, M. J. Watts, B. Chilima, J. Gondwe, et al., Soil-type influences human selenium status and underlies widespread selenium deficiency risks in Malawi, Scientific Reports: Nature Publishing Group, 2013.
Szabo, S., M. Sarwar Hossain, N. W. Adger, Z. Matthews, S. Ahmed, A. N. Lázár, and S. Ahmad, Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh, Sustainability Science, pp. 1-11, 2015.
Szabo, S., M. Sarwar Hossain, N. W. Adger, Z. Matthews, S. Ahmed, A. N. Lázár, and S. Ahmad, Soil salinity, household wealth and food insecurity in tropical deltas: evidence from south-west coast of Bangladesh, Sustainability Science, pp. 1-11, 2015.
