ESPA Publications

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Ghimire, C. P., L. A. Bruijnzeel, M. W. Lubczynski, B. W. Zwartendijk, V. O. Odongo, M. Ravelona, and H. J. vanMeerveld, Transpiration and stomatal conductance of young secondary forest trees and invasive understorey shrubs in upland eastern Madagascar , , 2018.
Angarita-Baéz, J. A., E. Pérez-Miñana, J. E. Beltrá Vargas, C. A. Ruiz Agudelo, A. Paez Ortiz, E. Palacios, and S. Willcock, Assessing and mapping cultural ecosystem services at community level in the Colombian Amazon, International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management, vol. 13, pp. 280-296, 2017.
Manz, B., S. Paez-Bimos, N. Horna, W. Buytaert, B. Ochoa-Tocachi, W. Lavado-Casimiro, and B. Willems, Comparative ground validation of IMERG and TMPA at variable spatiotemporal scales in the tropical Andes, Journal Of Hydrometeorology, vol. 18, issue 9: AMER METEOROLOGICAL SOC, pp. 2469-2489, 2017.
Ryan, C. M., R. Pritchard, I. McNicol, M. Owen, J. A. Fisher, and C. Lehmann, Ecosystem services from southern African woodlands and their future under global change, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 371, 2017.
Bett, B., M. Y. Said, R. Sang, S. Bukachi, S. Wanyoike, S. C. Kifugo, F. Otieno, E. Ontiri, I. Njeru, J. Lindahl, et al., Effects of flood irrigation on the risk of selected zoonotic pathogens in an arid and semi-arid area in the eastern Kenya, PLoS ONE, vol. 12, issue 1725: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2017.
Bett, B., M. Y. Said, R. Sang, S. Bukachi, S. Wanyoike, S. C. Kifugo, F. Otieno, E. Ontiri, I. Njeru, J. Lindahl, et al., Effects of flood irrigation on the risk of selected zoonotic pathogens in an arid and semi-arid area in the eastern Kenya, PLoS ONE, vol. 12, issue 1725: PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE, 2017.
Sang, R.., J.. Lutomiah, M.. Said, A.. Makio, H.. Koka, E.. Koskei, A.. Nyunja, S.. Owaka, D.. Matoke-Muhia, S.. Bukachi, et al., Effects of irrigation and rainfall on the population dynamics of Rift Valley fever and other arbovirus mosquito vectors in the epidemic-prone Tana River County, Kenya, Journal Of Medical Entomology, vol. 54, issue 2: OXFORD UNIV PRESS INC, pp. 460-470, 2017.
Buytaert, W., S. Moulds, L. Acosta, B. De Bièvre, C. Olmos, M. Villacis, C. Tovar, and K. M. J. Verbist, Glacial melt content of water use in the tropical Andes, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 12, issue 11: IOP PUBLISHING LTD, 2017.
Ayivor, J. S., F. Ohemeng, E. Tweneboah Lawson, L. Waldman, M. Leach, and Y. Ntiamoa-Baidu, Living with bats: the case of Ve Golokuati Township in the Volta region of Ghana., Journal Of Environmental And Public Health, vol. 2017, pp. 5938934, 2017.
Brown, M., E. Black, D. Asfaw, and F. Otu-Larbi, Monitoring drought in Ghana using TAMSAT-ALERT: a new decision support system, Weather, 2017.
Satyal, P., K. Shrestha, H. Ojha, B. Vira, and J. Adhikari, A new Himalayan crisis? Exploring transformative resilience pathways, Environmental Development, 2017.
Homewood, K.., A.. Keane, J.F.. Lund, N.. Burgess, M.. Msuha, J.. Bluwstein, M.. Nielsen, J.. Olila, and A.. Dancer, Realising the promise of Tanzania’s Wildlife Management Areas, , 2017.
Opdam, P., I. Coninx, A. Dewulf, E. Steingrover, C. Vos, and M. van der Wal, Does information on landscape benefits influence collective action in landscape governance?, Current Opinion In Environmental Sustainability, vol. 18, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, pp. 107-114, 2016.
Ryan, C.M.., R.. Pritchard, I.. McNicol, M.. Owen, J..A.Fisher, and C.. Lehmann, Ecosystem services from southern African woodlands and their future under global change, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences, vol. 371, 09/2016.
Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., W. Buytaert, B. De Bièvre, R. Celleri, P. Crespo, M. Villacis, C. A. Llerena, L. Acosta, M. Villazon, M. Guallpa, et al., Impacts of land use on the hydrological response of tropical Andean catchments, Hydrological Processes, vol. 30, issue 22: WILEY, pp. 4074-4089, 2016.
Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., W. Buytaert, B. De Bièvre, R. Celleri, P. Crespo, M. Villacis, C. A. Llerena, L. Acosta, M. Villazon, M. Guallpa, et al., Impacts of land use on the hydrological response of tropical Andean catchments, Hydrological Processes, vol. 30, issue 22: WILEY, pp. 4074-4089, 2016.
Willcock, S., O. L. Phillips, P. J. Platts, R. D. Swetnam, A. Balmford, N. D. Burgess, A. Ahrends, J. Bayliss, N. Doggart, K. Doody, et al., Land cover change and carbon emissions over 100 years in an African biodiversity hotspot, Global Change Biology, vol. 22, issue 7: WILEY, pp. 2787-2800, 2016.
Mudombi, S., G. von Maltitz, A. Gasparatos, C. Romeu-Dalmau, F. X. Johnson, C. Jumbe, C. Ochieng, D. Luhanga, P. Lopes, B. Siddighi Balde, et al., Multi-dimensional poverty effects around operational biofuel projects In Malawi, Mozambique And Swaziland, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2016.
Brierley, L., M. J. Vonhof, K. J. Olival, P. Daszak, and K. E. Jones, Quantifying global drivers of zoonotic bat viruses: A process-based perspective, American Naturalist, vol. 187, issue 2, pp. E53-E64, 2016.
Ochoa-Tocachi, B. F., W. Buytaert, and B. De Bièvre, Regionalization of land-use impacts on streamflow using a network of paired catchments, Water Resources Research, vol. 52, issue 9: AMER GEOPHYSICAL UNION, pp. 6710-6729, 2016.
Nerini, D., Z. Zulkafli, L-P. Wang, C. Onof, W. Buytaert, W. Lavado-Casimiro, and J-L. Guyot, A comparative analysis of TRMM-rain gauge data merging techniques at the daily time scale for distributed rainfall-runoff modeling applications, Journal Of Hydrometeorology, vol. 16, issue 5, pp. 2153-2168, 2015.
Willcock, S., D. Hooftman, N. Sitas, P. O'Farrell, M. Hudson, B. Reyers, F. Eigenbrod, and J. Bullock, Do ecosystem service maps and models meet stakeholders' needs? A preliminary survey across sub-Saharan Africa, Ecosystem Services, vol. 18, pp. 110-117, 2015.
Daw, T. M., S. Coulthard, W. W. L. Cheung, K. Brown, C. Abunge, D. Galafassi, G. D. Peterson, T. R. McClanahan, J. O. Omukoto, and L. Munyi, Evaluating taboo trade-offs in ecosystems services and human well-being, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 112, issue 22, pp. 6949-6954, 2015.
Opdam, P., I. Coninx, A. Dewulf, E. Steingrover, C. Vos, and M. van der Wal, Framing ecosystem services: Affecting behaviour of actors in collaborative landscape planning?, Land Use Policy, vol. 46, issue 7: ELSEVIER SCI LTD, pp. 223-231, 2015.
Greene, S.., P.. J. Johnes, J.. P. Bloomfield, S.. M. Reaney, R.. Lawley, Y.. Elkhatib, J.. Freer, N.. Odoni, C.. J. A. Macleod, and B.. Percy, A geospatial framework to support integrated biogeochemical modelling in the United Kingdom, Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 68, issue 1, pp. 219-232, 2015.
